going through 2011

2011 was a very hard year for me. though the thought that it should have been "my" year. year of the rabbit. but despite of it all, i managed to get through with it, alone or with somebody else. there were rough times and there were fun times. i stumbled but i was able to get up and fight. i learned every bit of lesson i experienced last year and will be bringing it forth to 2012. forgetting it won't do me good. but i have to face it, forgive myself for my own mistakes and move on. year of the dragon here i come. ready to face whatever challenge you have for me. but now, i will never feel alone. i have my Big God and my ever loving husband and family who were always at my back, at my side ready to back me up through these all.

PS: i'll be posting more, from now on. 
since i posted only one blog last year. 
that's how hurricane my year was. haha


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